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Hey, everyone: it’s kanga here and today, I’be showing you some gameplay of the chun liskin, which is obviously part of the street bythe crossover doesn’t apologize in advance if pronounce her name wrong, not great with pronunciations, but nonetheless, um obviously the chun li skin has two styles and she Also hasa back bling, so I’m going to split this video into four parts. I’Ll show you this style with the back bling on then this style with the back blingoff. Then I’ll show you the other side with thebacklink on and then the other style with the back bling off I’ll. Have chapters along the bottomof, the video, so you can use those time stamps toscroll through if, for example, if you just want to see the other style without the backing you can skip towards that timestamp at the end, ofthe video, I believe the backlink is called thesupercab smasher and This is that on the default style, I’m, a really big fan of the backing of how it looks just like the fact that it’s a mini arcade machine. I just don’t like how bulky it is the harvesting tool is the seven starflashing flail I’ll show you that now that’s really heavy and like dangerous and like it’s going to really hurt if it hits you.

I really like the sound of that. I also like that this swinging animation, where, like sorts between hands, I’m a big fan of this one, so yeah a really big fan of this harvesting tool. I forgot to show you what it looks like with the backlink on when you do hit emerge. This is what that looks like now, and this is the chun li default style with the back bling on and now I’ll. Take the backlinkoff and hop into this game again.

Alrighty, so now’s got the skin with no backing ones. You can better see the patterns on the back of whatever she’s wearing yeah I’ll, actually show the emote ingame this time instead of beginning and showing the lockers. This is the lightning kick e-mode. I’M not. I don’t know that this was intentional that.

This happened, but I stopped using the emoteit finished a while ago, as you can see, the she just stays in this stance. Then, if I use it again nothing happened. So I think that’s a bit bugged at the moment. Obviously it just finished that phrase. If I do the emote again, she just stops and, she just stays like that until you move again, I think that’s pretty cool actually that she says in that pose, because it’s pretty cool poseso, that was a lightning kick emote and this wassome gameplay of the chun-li skin, with No backlinkone I’ll now stop over to the nostalgia style.

I’Lljust see if I can quickly find a weapon here sothat. I can show you the ads and see if um anythingis an issue like her shoulders. Look quite bulky compared to the other reuse skin. It’S not quiteas clean. I find another weapon that doesn’t zoom in as far as leave action rifle I don’t.

Think there should be too many problems with adsuh. No, not really his shoulders are a bit bulky, but obviously the clothing just got onbut, not too many problems with the adson digitally skin. This is gon na be the nostalgia style. Now, if you’re generally, with the super cab, smasher battling on a superb masheri should say so. I definitely prefer this style.

It doesn’t have as much going on and if sweat’s going to be running, this skin it’ll probably be with this style onthere. Just a lot less going on with the clothing and, her hair doesn’t have those things in itwhich were a little bit bulkier than the space ones are without them, but yeah you’re gon na be noproblems with the ads with this skin um. Unless you have the back to bring on. I will see what it looks like abs with the backlinks. I believe that it’sgonna get in the way a lot and be quite bulky: umbut yeah.

Definitely a bigger fan of this stock effect, the other one, the ads here the backlink, gets quite in the way, but you can see without the backing that is going to be really really clean, um and not as much going on with their shoulders. Obviously, but that is the trunnlyskin nostalgia style with the backing on and will now take the backing off. I’Ve now got thesame nostalgia style with no backlink on and you can see that same pattern on her back actually think. It’S a slightly different pattern than before, but so you couldn’t see that pattern before with the back bling on and again theads is going to be no problem. I nearly forgot to show the emote, but here’s the emote on the children’s skin nostalgia style, no back thing again, you’re saying this stance at the end, which is really good.

I think anything has been done like this with an email before where you like, stay frozen, in a position. After doing that, so that’really cool, but it’s not really too much else, tosay I’ll, just keep wandering around with this onmy decent building. While I do the outro but yeah hope you guys are fans video useful if you did make sure to leave a like subscribe commentshare. All those things coming out, massively, you have any more questions about this crossover or anything else in fortnitefeel, free to comment down below. If that helps me out massively, if you want to support me as a creator, that’s going to be good range in the final item shopotherwise. More on chun li fortnite porn, chun li fortnite xxx, fortnite chun li porn, chun li fortnite hentai, chun li fortnite skin porn, fortnite porn chun li, fortnite chun li hentai, chun-li fortnite porn, chun li fortnite porno,fortnite chun li xxx, chun li porn fortnite, fortnite chun li skin porn,chun li fortnite skin hentai, chun-li fortnite xxx, chun li xxx fortnite, chun li , xxx fortnite chun li, fortnite porn chun-li, chun-li fortnite hentai

Date: March 2, 2021