MY HERO ACADEMIA HENTAI COMICS Chapter 324, today we are talking about Uraraka and her great character development, why Hero Killer Stain was wrong about hero society and why the villains may attack the U.A shelter very soon. Boku no Hero Academia Chapter 324 Review. Also, only a small percentage of the people who watch our videos are actually subscribed, so if you end up liking this video, consider subscribing Nutmate , Please enjoy this video, let’s go. The chapter begins with the first page, which shows young Uraraka smiling and looking up at a cheering man. Annunci di escort a Milano
She has always loved seeing other people’s happy faces, which was probably one of the reasons why she became a hero, in addition to wanting a better financial situation for her parents. Every time she saw a hero in action, she paid more attention to the expressions of others than to the heroes themselves Escorts Bogota.
That says a lot about her personality and also about her hero qualities, because while other people cheer and admire the heroes, because many maybe even just want to be like them, uraraka however admired the heroes not because of how they are, but because they can make everyone around them happy and cheerful. And this personality is the born hero. She’s basically like all might.
She probably has one of the best character designs. We know that Uraraka originally became a hero student because she wanted to make life easier for her parents, as they always had such a tired face, so she wanted to see her parents happy. So she decided to become a hero because of the good earnings. But without realizing, that she actually started the job, which enables her to do what she always wanted to do, namely to make people smile. Over time, she realized that she actually wanted to be a hero because she really wanted to save people, and the whole thing about money became secondary.
This new my hero academia chapter 324 made it very clear that even without the financial problems of her parents, Uraraka would have become a hero at some point because she loves to see happy faces.
And that’s exactly the kind of hero that Stain believes doesn’t exist anymore, as almost every hero these days does this job for the sake of fame and money. Let me just say, I’m 100% sure that Stain is completely wrong and that he knows it deep down inside him. His revolutionary movement to change the hero society is actually a facade to cover up his own grudges against heroes. We know All Might deeply inspired him to become a hero, so he entered a hero course but then dropped out because apparently all other student want to become heroes just for the money and personal gain.
If Stain wanted to become a hero for the same reasons as All Might, namely to help other people, why did he drop out of the hero course for a reason that had nothing to do with helping people but because of selfish beliefs? The heroes turned out differently than he had imagined, which completely changed his belief in the hero profession, which one day was supposed to represent him as a person and thus bring him on a par with all might.
He realized that being a hero is not enough in order to be like All Might and therefore blamed the heroes who are not like all might for the fact that the mere title of a hero doesn’t make someone as great as all might. This suggests that he wanted to become a hero not because he wanted to help other people, just like all might but because of the image All Might represented as a hero and because he wanted to be like him, which means that stain wanted to become a hero for the same reason that everyone else wanted to become a hero. He believed that if he had become a hero, people would see him the way he sees All Might.
But when he met other future heroes, he found that they did not represent the same ideologies as All Might and therefore it was not enough to be just a hero, which had made him so crazy that he began to be a villain. He knows that he lacks the foundation of being a hero and is like any other so-called fake hero. Imagine what kind of sick person he must be to kill other heroes just because they don’t fit into his hero image even though he is no better himself.
But don’t get me wrong, this is the reason why I believe he’s such a great and complex character. Nothing that Hero Killer has described fits the hero system that we readers have discovered in the world of my hero academia.
there may be heroes who love fame and money, but most of them still have heroic qualities. The greatest evidence that hero killer was wrong is that, despite the heroes’ downfall, heroes are still working, trying to protect humanity, even if they are hated. Hero killer stain admired all might, but then turned into the exact opposite, and so his behavior is contradicting his beliefs. Because of that, I think there’s definitely more to his ideology than we’ve seen so far. The fact that he was shown a few chapters ago is a great indication that he will be very important for the climax of my hero academia, especially as he contributed a large part to why the hero system fell apart.
By the way, if you would like me to do a deeper character analysis on Hero Killer stain let me know in the comments as he is one of the most complex characters in my hero academia and so it might be interesting for you.
I would then probably combine it with a theory about him and talk about his role in the future of my hero academia. Before my partner Yami continues with Boku no hero academia Chapter 324, please take a moment to like this video. With your support, we can continue the My Hero Academia content on this channel with even more and better content, thank you. People finally seem to realize how Deku looks like and say he seems frail and beaten up.
After all, the civilians show a little empathy. It was utterly disturbing how they tried to kick out an injured, hungry and tired 16 year old boy who is in direct danger of losing his life as he is the primary target of the greatest villain who threatens the entire world. Then we see the huge women we saw a few chapters ago. She says that Deku saved her, but then immediately kept fighting. The civilians seem to be slowly realizing their disgusting behavior and are starting to open up to better understand the situation.
That one guy who dares to wear an all-might shirt starts screaming if they want them covered in mud and grime too, but Uraraka says that all they want, is some time for Deku to rest and clean up, and then they will be the one who will pay with their own blood and sweat to keep protecting each and everyone of them. Iida tells Deku that Uraraka is struggling to protect everyone’s smiles, including his, which makes Deku cry. Uraraka goes on to say that they cannot guarantee their safety, but the heroes are just as scared as everyone else.
She wants the civilians to understand what Deku has been doing for them all along, that he was frantically walking around saving people when he can barely stand on two legs. She wants them to understand that they are all in the same boat and that heroes and civilians are no different.
What Uraraka just said is a very important part. The civilians in my hero academia seem to have forgotten that heroes are like them, just ordinary people. Uraraka wonders who will save the heroes when they are in pain and then we see panels showing many other heroes including Aizawa who is still in the hospital.
This represents the difficult time the heroes have had to go through lately, they have lost the public’s trust and are left with only hatred. For a functioning society of heroes, civilians and heroes must work together, just as civilians need heroes, to protect them, heroes need civilians’ support, because it is the kind of profession that requires a perfect balance between both sides.
And this raises a very interesting question. Who actually abandoned whom? Was it really the heroes who failed to protect the civilians, or was it the civilians who failed to support the heroes when they needed it most. This is an extremely deep question and we believe that the civilians actually played a very large role in the down fall of the hero society and the rise of the villains, and that it is not just the heroes who can be held responsible for the current situation.
It’s all part of the “all for ones” manipulation game in order to cause chaos.
Uraraka asks the civilians to help them get through these difficult times so that they can all smile together again, which then makes her hesitate for a moment as she remembered toga for a second. I believe Uraraka understands that Toga’s life is the result of people misunderstanding her. Instead of accepting toga as part of society and helping her to become a good person, she was marginalized because of her personality and therefore never got the chance to learn what is good and bad. Uraraka then tells the civilians that Deku is trying to shoulder the burden of his power all by himself, but he has a lot of things to learn because he’s just a high school student. Dekus then falls to his knees crying, remembering the first time he saw Uraraka in the U.
The narrative continues with the sentence: “This is the story of how we all became the greatest hero.” This is very interesting as it suggests that the greatest hero is not the same as the number one hero. I believe this is evidence that the concept of the greatest hero has a different meaning than what we had previously expected, and shows more true hero qualities than a competition among heroes. So what can we expect in the next chapter?
There are 2 possible options as to what could happen next.
We shouldn’t forget that my hero Academia is slowly approaching the final arc, so it could get heat up very quickly. Deku will either rest and then leave UA together with the heroes and class 1a to continue looking for “all for one” or the villains will attack UA. Remember that if “all for one” wanted to capture deku outside of UA, he would have already tried. And if he wanted Deku to find him first, he would have already told him where he was.
It seems like “All for one” really wanted Deku to return to UA for some reason. If this is really the case, then it all has something to do with the U.A traitor. We should keep in mind that the introduction of the entire UA system with the underground elevators must have a reason and is not just unnecessary information, so that we can assume that this system will actually be used sooner or later and if you consider that my hero Academia, is already in its final act, then we can assume that this security system will be used very soon and therefore the villains will most likely attack UA in this arc, maybe even earlier than we expect.
What do you think of the new my hero academia chapter 324